I’m not the only one covering the changes on Point Grey Road (PGR). Chris Kay is also documenting the physical and social interactions of change – especially in Kitsilano. (He loves Kits Pool!)
Check him out on his blog: Reflecting Vancouver.
I’ll count on him to post pics while I’m away. Here’s one from an update, nicely illustrating the new curve at MacDonald and PGR:
I have ride my bike on the PGR today
(Helmet free of course… as always: that is my modest contribution as a citizen to encourage civilized cycling in Vancouver)
I have been surprised to see much more cyclist on the rodway than on the segregated bikepath: I take it as a Tribute to the PGR traffic calming:
when streets are traffic calmed enough: cyclists don’t feel the need to be segregated and even prefer to use the wider street where they can ride abreast, pass the slower cyclist or don’t be the slow cyclist…and more generally enjoy the versatility and sociability offered by a shared arrangement.
The fact that coming from Cornwall, you can’t naturally use the PGR bikelane, could also be a reason
I’ve noticed a number of cyclists using PGR in parallel to the separated lane, almost always connecting to or from Cornwall. For most people, this would seem puzzling. After all that expense and turmoil, why would anyone still ride a bicycle on Cornwall?
One of my primary complaints during community consultation for the proposed greenway was that touring cyclists — the lycra set — would most likely not adopt York as an alternative, due to the flatter, wider profile of Cornwall and the better scenery. Cyclists eschewing the greenway are almost always the same sort who rode on Cornwall before any of the new greenway infrastructure was built, and indeed it seems clear that these improvements were never particularly intended to displace them.
Instead, I’ve been rather surprised by the range of casual cyclists — everyday people on bicycles — who have emerged to use the greenway. And I suppose this was all really designed with their use in mind. In this sense, I don’t particularly fault the Cervélo frames that still ride on the roadway — like you say here, it may even be more appealing now as a tour ride owing to the traffic calming.
Voony, your public declaration in your blog here that you do not ride a helmet when cycling is a violation of Provincial Law; you are legally required to wear a helmet when cycling.