Park Board & Bikes: #wedontcareThis past weekend, I decided to take a quick ride over to Jericho from the West End, just to see…
Kits Point and Bikes Lanes: What this is really about – 2By Jeff Leigh The Vancouver Sun has posted an editorial about the controversy regarding the proposed Kits Beach Park bike…
Kits Point and Bikes Lanes: What this is really aboutOn the surface the conflict on Kits Point is about a continuation of the Seaside Route through and around park…
Port Mann Parameter: How to measure the cost of bike lanesIt happened again today: someone mentioned that if only we hadn’t spent so much on bike lanes, we could afford to…
Recent Developments 6 – Community Building on Point Grey RoadDon’t you love a city where people care so passionately about public improvements. That’s the polite way of putting it. Once…
Patrick Condon on Point Grey RoadA plea for a lighter, greener, cheaper, more collaborative approach to building the “Greenest City” The sad case of Point…
Community Free StoreLeave a gift, take a gift. Minimal rules. Inspired by (a free trading platform). Located on the new, improved Point…
Adam Gopnick on Jane Jacobs – 4Adam Gopnick in the New Yojrker does a reflection on Jane Jacobs’s life and ideas in her centenary year, with so…
Point Grey Road -Work In ProgressCity crews and contractors busy replacing sewer system pipes — all part of the plan for PGR II.…
Construction Begins on Seaside Greenway IIThe second phase of this project on Point Grey Road gets underway this week as city crews prepare to expand sidewalks,…
Why the Seaside Greenway is on Point Grey RoadJust a reminder. The extensive changes and improvements to Point Grey Road (despite the silly charges regarding the rich and…
Discovered Art on Point Grey RoadNot sure how long this piece from the Vancouver Biennale has been here on Point Grey Road, tucked in next…
More Steps In the Transportation RevolutionFrom a year ago, but worth repeating, Peter Ladner in BIV looks at another big change in how we think about…
Thoughts On PGR From Peter LadnerPeter Ladner weighs in on the Point Grey Road issue, and strips the rhetoric back to what he sees as…
Dec. 19, 2022Vancouver’s “Dinosaurs Against Fossil Fuels” (DAFFS) Way Ahead of Their TimeSandy James Planner