A Green Party Vision for Our Housing FutureHere’s the Green Party’s housing platform. Here are three points from it: Implement a simple menu of repeatable building forms,…
Finally, Not all Quiet on the Downtown WaterfrontHere’s the latest on the work pushing Council and the city to do something special, to take advantage and unleash…
Get Your Own Jane Jacobs or I.M. Pei Doll, Support a Great CauseTrust the good folks behind the City of Toronto’s Jane’s Walk Festival to come up with the perfect way to…
Revising the Grand Bargain – with Rob GrantIf the Grand Bargain is going to be discarded or majorly revised, there needs to be a new bargain –…
An inspiration for the new Art Gallery design?Palmas 555: From that hotbed of modernist design: Mexico in 1975, By Juan Sordo Madaleno / José Adolfo Wiechers /…
Michael Geller at Expo2020 and the best of public spacesBy Michael Geller Throughout history, World Expositions have introduced innovations that eventually become commonplace. Examples include the elevator, first displayed…
Heresy in Shaughnessy James from Shaughnessy, a Viewpoint reader, submits his viewpoint as a long-time resident … I am a huge…
Big Towers, Big Problems at Vancouver’s Shangri-La & NYC’s 432 Park AvenueAt Viewpoint Vancouver we previously wrote about some of the ongoing issues that happen in tall tower strata buildings which…
Vancouver’s Downtown Hudson’s Bay Flagship Hauling Anchor, Sailing to New Future?In no surprise to anyone, the Hudson’s Bay store downtown at Granville and Georgia Streets is announcing plans to redevelop.…
How to kill Kingsway in order to save it – and why we can’tJohn Mackie is the Sun’s writer with an historic lens. He helps us see the shape of the future through…
Housing Reform: Why don’t we just go Kiwi? Here’s the clearest explanation of what New Zealand has done to address housing need and affordability – in a…
House Space: A Fascinating and Unsurprising MapWhere American families spend more of their time in big houses: Yes, the kitchen and television room, not the dining…
Small-scale Commercial in CalgaryMost mornings I start my day with an email from Brandon Donnelly – a developer and, shall we say, urban…
LA Revelations 4 -Vancouverism in Los AngelesThis I did not expect. Driving down La Cienega Boulevard at night, a block of lights in the distance rose…
Dec. 19, 2022Vancouver’s “Dinosaurs Against Fossil Fuels” (DAFFS) Way Ahead of Their TimeSandy James Planner