April 14, 2014

The New Point Grey Road – 12: Athletic Highway

This weekend the east end of Point Grey Road was still a mass of construction:



There is still no clear route or continuous connection from the Burrard Bridge to PGR – and yet, on this blissful weekend, there was a steady flow of cyclists.



My guess is that about a third of them are road cyclists – the spandex and lycra crowd – using the no-cross-traffic route as part of the UBC loop, one of the best training runs in the region.  That’s true for a lot of the runners as well; lots of room, a chance to get up a good sprint.

PGR is becoming one of the best places for the City as Workout.  It’s an athletic highway.

It is also, as Mike Harcourt nicely documented in a letter to The Sun, one of the critical pieces of the seawall: “the 128-year-old commitment of Vancouver’s citizens to a publicly accessible waterfront.”

He reminds the NPA that they have too been part of that commitment, even on PGR:

The NPA (Non-Partisan Association) council in 1995 designated Point Grey Road as a non-arterial road to be used for local traffic.

As Mike says: “We should celebrate this achievement. Get out and enjoy our waterfront. Walk, jog, cycle, skateboard, push a baby tram. Pick your favourite spot to enjoy Vancouver’s wonderful vistas. Picnic with family and friends.”

No need to encourage Vancouverites, though; we just need to give them the chance.

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  1. Yes, about time.

    We need more of this residential traffic calming elsewhere, too !

    How about a seawall below the houses on Point Grey Road .. as Point Grey Road is not exactly water front for 1.5 km ! Better than before, of course.

    A win/win all around !

    1. Or instead, buy a few of the properties along Pt Grey to create more park space. Building a Seawall will cost tens of millions. Could buy at 3 or 4 for the price of a Seawall.

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