Good news from City Hall.
After listening to the arguments of the several parties involved in the dispute over the floatplane terminal in Coal Harbour, Council chose to renew the lease for another two years.
But critically, Councillor Andrea Reimer applied a condition: “Temporary access to the Seawall be a condition of use …”
Specifically, she called on staff to develop a plan by September 30, 2010 “to have operators open a path through their operations to ensure a continuous connection for cyclists and pedestrians along the sea wall route by January 2011;”
It would of course be great if the seawall was open this summer, but the message was clear – a route through the terminal complex is essential to complete the connection between Canada Place and Stanley Park.
The full motion is below the break.
A. THAT the Director of Planning be advised that Council would favour the approval of Development Application Number DE413848 for the continued use of the Temporary Float Plane Terminal in Coal Harbour for a further period of time, not to exceed two years from permit issuance or the completion of the new permanent facility at 1001 Canada Place, whichever is first and with no option to renew
B. AND FURTHER THAT the Director of Real Estate Services, in consultation with the Director of Legal Services and the General Manager of Engineering Services, be authorized to renew, execute and deliver license agreements (the “license agreements”) for a period of two (2) years, or the completion of the new permanent facility at 1001 Canada Place, whichever is first, commencing on the date of permit issuance, with West Coast Air Ltd., and Harbour Air Ltd. (“the Float Plane Operators”) permitting them to operate a temporary Float Plane Terminal on portions of City right-of-way on Lot 21 Public Harbour of Burrard Inlet, Plan LMP29892, and Lot 22 and portion of Lot 23, Public Harbour of Burrard Inlet Plan LMP29892 at market rent not less than the rent payable by the Licensee during the month preceding the commencement of the Renewal Term, and based on the following conditions:
1) In future incremental rent increases reflecting appropriate market factors in the licence agreement at the following milestones: January 1, 2011, July 1, 2011, January 1, 2012.
2) Temporary access to the Seawall be a condition of use as referenced below
Return in three months with a report from the developers on progress on a business plan for development of a permanent float plane facility with timelines;
Develop a plan by September 30, 2010 to have operators open a path through their operations to ensure a continuous connection for cyclists and pedestrians along the sea wall route by January 2011;
Prepare a letter from Council to Transport Canada expressing the need for a single authority to deal with float plane operations in Vancouver harbour.
Good news, and probably thanks to you in no small part. Your coverage prompted me to send an e-mail, and I’m sure others did too.
Thanks, Gordon!
Thanks Gordon, great work staying on top of this.