June 4, 2010

Seawall Interruptus – 3

On June 10 at 9:30 am, Council will be considering a two-year extension for the floatplane terminal .  But the report recommendations say nothing about requiring a seawall connection.

THAT the Director of Planning be advised that Council would favour the approval of Development Application Number DE413848 for the continued use of the Temporary Float Plane Terminal in Coal Harbour for a further period of time, not to exceed two years from permit issuance or the completion of the new permanent facility at 1001 Canada Place, whichever is first.

The Park Board at least reports that “this missing link in the Seaside Route from the downtown to Stanley Park can only be constructed once the buildings have been removed. While pedestrians can currently circumvent this blockage by using the grand steps from the foot of Thurlow Street down to the seawall, the options for cyclists and in-line skaters are limited.”

And the Engineering Department also notes that “Should Council support a further extension of the temporary facility, staff will work with the applicant on updating this document to reflect the current situation.”

Umm, not sure what that really means – but once the lease is extended, probably not much. In fact, the floatplane operators will have an incentive to draw out the two-year extension when bargaining with the developer of the new (and more expensive) facility.

I’d recommend that Council simply require the terminal to provide a temporary route through the site as a condition of approval. It’s the least the operators can do in return for occupying the last link on the seawall between downtown and Stanley Park – now the most critical few metres on the entire seawall system and some of the most valuable space in Vancouver.

You might want to pass along your comments to mayorandcouncil@vancouver.ca .

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  1. The City could also sign the ramp at left in the pic to connect to the path along the upper edge of the pic
    (i.e. if the floatplanes have a security cordone found in other airports, then a public path through a security zone may not be feasible).

  2. This should be a non-brainer. No reason to keep the seawall blocked by trailers. They don’t have to sit right by the water. They could be moved back, or the floatplane companies could rent space in the convention centre for their offices. Getting the seawall connected is important because it will give cyclists and skaters waterfront access from the downtown to Stanley Park.

  3. Not to sound top obsequious, but it’s issues like this that make me wish that we still had Gordon’s voice present in City Hall.

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