How Do We Talk About Senakw?We’ve never found a way to talk about Tssawwassen Mills. It’s that giant auto-dependent single-use shopping complex on the way…
Appreciating G’VilleIn the next few years, the City will be constructing the Granville Bridge Connector – a safe and seamless route…
Burnabyism – 3: Observations from Ann McAfeeAnn McAfee was a planner with the City of Vancouver from 1974 to 2006, notably as Co-Director of Planning with…
Vancouver Versus Burnaby: Selling Place & Context, Or Towers Above Clouds?Gordon Price has been writing about Burnabyism and how the Grand Bargain is being enacted, with point towers on podiums…
The Curator of Bentall CentreChuck We is a curator. His gallery is the Bentall Centre. As a Senior VP, Western Canada, for Hudson Properties,…
Burnabyism – 2It’s great to see some thoughtful responses to what is now the first post on the idea of Burnabyism: how…
BurnabyismHere’s a fun way for an urbanist to spend an afternoon: choose a destination somewhere out in the region along…
Assorted DehorsCity of North Van Councillor Tony Valente, over a pasta dinner on Beach in the streeterie nearest the spinning chandelier,…
The Costs of Inclusionary Zoning in TorontoIt’s curious that there hasn’t been more coverage of the Inclusive Zoning (IZ) initiative happening in Toronto. In December 2019,…
The Idyllic Dilemma of South False CreekAlmost half a century after it was designed and built, the South Shore of False Creek – a reflection of…
Knowledge Network: Form + PlaceAnother elegant documentary from the Knowledge Network: “The people, places and things that have left their mark on BC’s unique…
How Colour is Coming to VancouverViewpoint (Daily Scot in particular) has been railing for many years on the absence of colour in Vancouver architecture –…
The Second Wave of Streeteries – New York StyleLast year, when the City of Vancouver expedited permits for outdoor cafes and patios on sidewalks and – heavens! –…
The Flowers that Bloomed in the SpringSome new flowers have finally blossomed after a long time coming. Like the lotus off Great Northern Way on the…
Dec. 19, 2022Vancouver’s “Dinosaurs Against Fossil Fuels” (DAFFS) Way Ahead of Their TimeSandy James Planner