Halloween International Day of Danger: Witches, Goblins & Vehicle DriversToday the sun sets at 5:52 p.m. and children will be out to trick or treat. Viewpoint Vancouver has written…
Love the Lane! (Why Is this even necessary?) We’re inviting anyone who loves cycling in Stanley Park to join us for #LoveTheLane, a celebration ride around Stanley Park…
Welcome to Metro Vancouver Pedestrian Danger Months: Featuring Halloween, International Day of DeathHere we go into another rainy dark, damp Metro Vancouver winter, which is also when the majority of pedestrian fatalities…
Left Hand Turn Drivers Kill, Maim Pedestrians-Here’s NYC’s SolutionLast month Viewpoint Vancouver covered how the right hand driver turn on red lights at intersections came about. That movement …
“Cycling Through Covid” in CanadaThe latest from Buehler and Pucher: How 14 large cities around the world adjusted their cycling policies during the first…
Letting Vehicles Drive Themselves & The Safety Case for Googly EyesOne Viewpoint Vancouver commenter made a telling remark on the shift to autonomous driving trucks on highways to keep shipping…
Emphasizing Walkability on Commercial Streets Increase Revenue for MerchantsBusinesses often base their hopes for future revenue on what has worked well in the past, and that used to…
Vancouver’s Park Board, New ABC’s & Back to Two Lanes of Traffic in Stanley Park In the October 15 2022 Vancouver civic election, the new Mayor-Elect Ken Sim and the ABC (A Better City)…
Lowering Emissions By Getting Men To Travel Like WomenViewpoint Vancouver has been writing about a big gap in how transportation and city planning is perceived, and that is…
The Future of Trucking: Hint-There’s No Drivers!Trucking logistics are a big problem in North America, with lots of goods to be moved and not that many…
One More City Looks At Restricting Driver Right Turn on RedLast month Viewpoint Vancouver covered the peculiar story of how vehicle drivers were able to legally turn right on a…
New Podcast: ‘Vanbikes’ Chronicler Colin Stein tracks the history of Vancouver’s Bicycle RevolutionIn this very special podcast, author Colin Stein unveils an epic portrait of our place and time: Vanbikes: Vancouver’s Bicycle People…
Where is the Equity for Sidewalk Users in Metro Vancouver?It’s time to take a look at what is happening for walkers and rollers in Metro Vancouver and the news…
Biciman on The Heat Island Effect & How To Save Your City: A Picture is Worth 1,000 WordsOne of the creative characters on Twitter is @_biciman_ who has a wonderful take on cities with his colourful and…
Dec. 19, 2022Vancouver’s “Dinosaurs Against Fossil Fuels” (DAFFS) Way Ahead of Their TimeSandy James Planner