Having seen the NPA’s Ken Sim on a bike, it’s time for yet another colossal event in the 2018 Vancouver civic election.
Vision’s mayoral candidate, Chief Ian Campbell, and the party as a whole, have announced their intention to push the Broadway subway to UBC. The timing is right to coincide with a Federal election in 2019.
. . . Chief Ian Campbell and the new team of Vision Candidates are thinking about what’s next – finishing the Broadway Subway all the way to the UBC campus.
“A vote for Vision Vancouver for mayor and council is a vote to make Vancouver’s top transportation priority for the next four years extending Broadway Subway all the way out to UBC,” says Chief Ian Campbell. “The Subway needs to go all the way out to UBC so Vancouver’s biggest post-secondary institution connects with the Broadway Corridor – the second biggest jobs hub in the province.” . . .
“It is absolutely critical that the next Mayor of Vancouver is firmly committed to getting the Subway built out to UBC – we can’t have someone who will waffle or doesn’t know where they stand,” added Campbell. “We have Provincial and Federal Governments that are making transit investment a priority. UBC President Santa Ono says UBC will pay its fair share and contribute financially to making the Subway extension happen. The next four years are a huge opportunity for our city.”
Hopefully, this transit-to-UBC planning will include a subway stop at the upcoming and massive (92-acre) Jericho Lands development, turning its focus more clearly towards transit-orientation.