Translink unveils TRANSPORT 2050, and Policy Development Manager Eve Hou is here to spill the beans.Viewpoint Podcast Translink unveils TRANSPORT 2050, and Policy Development Manager Eve Hou is here to spill the beans. Play Episode…
Translink unveils TRANSPORT 2050, and Policy Development Manager Eve Hou is here to spill the beans.Big news for the Region! Translink has just unveiled Transport 2050: its blueprint for the next 30 years of regional…
Transport 2050: Remote Work and the Future of TransportationRemote working, fad or future? The pandemic has had a major impact on transportation, including prompting a massive shift towards…
The Legacy of Kevin DesmondHe came at a time when TransLink was maligned and demoralized, thanks to Christy Clark’s pointless and destructive referendum. He…
Kevin Desmond: Transit = Urban Recovery PT: One of Translink’s most valuable assets is its CEO, Kevin Desmond. He was the needed leader after the…
Cool (and Useful) Map of the Month: Regional and Municipal Park WashroomsMetro Vancouver has updated their map of Regional and Municipal park washrooms: those available for public access (green) and those…
TransLink: The Light of Progress in Dark TimesOne of the so-sad consequences of the pandemic is the loss of momentum immediately experienced by TransLink. And not just…
Dr. Bonnie Henry’s most important point todayIt was in the Sun‘s lead article today, but it might get missed: There were just 11 new cases reported…
The Sounds of TransitThis is fun. (Click title for video.) You can tell it’s good times for TransLink when they come up with…
Scooting Towards Progress? A look at the new Shared Micromobility Guidelines for Metro Vancouver As you’ve probably noticed, residents all over Metro Vancouver are e-scooting on the streets despite the presence of prohibitory…
The Quest for Commute Trip Reduction Part – II: Opportunities and Challenges for Effective CTR across B.C.In Review: The Quest for Commute Trip Reduction Part – I In part one of this series, CTR was described…
Art and Improvements at Joyce-Collingwood StationBob Ransford got it right: the public art piece – ‘Off Centre’ by artist Renee Van Halm – is at…
The Sky’s the Limit for Kevin Desmond, CEO of North America’s Transit Ridership LeaderPriceTalks The Sky’s the Limit for Kevin Desmond, CEO of North America’s Transit Ridership Leader Play Episode Pause Episode Mute/Unmute…
Bad SignsProviding straightforward information to the public about small changes should be, well, straightforward. It’s not. Example: a temporary parking change…
Dec. 19, 2022Vancouver’s “Dinosaurs Against Fossil Fuels” (DAFFS) Way Ahead of Their TimeSandy James Planner