Colin Stein is now our Managing Editor
Since launching in 2006, Price Tags has provided “Perspectives from Vancouver.” This blog has specialized in stories and analysis on urban design, development and planning, with a special emphasis on transportation, both local and global. Co-edited by Ken Ohrn and Sandy James, Price Tags is also known for its active discussion forums.
To date, it’s been a volunteer effort. Now it’s time to take Price Tags to the next level.
Thanks to local support, we have hired Vancouver-based communications and marketing executive Colin Stein as Managing Editor. Colin is a consultant to the health-care and technology sectors, and was previously Director of Marketing, Communications and Campaigns for HUB Cycling. For Price Tags, he will oversee editorial processes, audience engagement, technology and new media development opportunities.
Price Tags aims to broaden its scope to focus on the upcoming civic election – the issues and candidates – not only in the City of Vancouver but across the region. We also hope to reach new audiences, especially those from different generations and among those, world-wide, who look to Vancouver as a leader in the development of great urban regions.
Said Colin: “This is a city known for policy engagement and politics, and what we talk about in Vancouver is relevant to cities around the world. I’m honoured to be part of Price Tags in achieving its more ambitious goals.”
The Price Tags Editorial Team (L-R): Editor-in-Chief & Publisher Gordon Price, Managing Editor Colin Stein, Editor Sandy James, Editor Ken Ohrn.