January 30, 2018

Streetfilm: Unsustainable – Traffic 2018

It’s New York day here at PT, apparently.  Including the latest Streetfilm – Unsustainable: Traffic 2018.  There’s a special relevance for us: how Uber, Lyft and other ride-hailing companies are adding significant congestion to NYC.


New York is facing its most serious transportation challenge in decades.
Subway reliability is way down, and the bus system is shedding riders at an alarming rate. And because transit is so unreliable, today New York is accommodating growth in cars, in the form of the tens of thousands of Uber and Lyft vehicles we now find on our streets each day.
It’s difficult to even list all the reasons why shifting transportation growth into cars in New York City is a bad thing. Choking the economy with congestion, safety concerns, making slow bus service even worse, poorer air quality – you name it.
For our latest Streetfilm, we spoke with leaders in New York’s transportation, labor and business communities to get their take on this alarming trend – a problem “screaming for a solution.”

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  1. Obviously car use is far too cheap in NY (and most other crowded cities). Look to Singapore for answers: huge fees to park and drive, plus clean and fast buses and subways on only moderately crowded streets. https://www.mot.gov.sg/About-MOT/Land-Transport/Motoring/Traffic-Management-Technologies/
    If it doesn’t flow, hike the fees. A machine can do that, starting at $5 in $1 increments. At $50 a crossing even Lionsgate bridge or Massey Tunnel at rush hour will flow most likely.
    The solution is VERY simple actually. Very !

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