Equity, Opportunity and Good Health: How Transportation Affects the Essential Qualities of Life In Metro Vancouver
The lecture will review some of the evidence from other jurisdictions, but focus primarily on the findings from the My Health My Community project that surveyed 28,000 Metro Vancouver residents in 2013/14.
While there are clear dividends in health for active transportation users, current transit infrastructure does not equally benefit all communities in Metro Vancouver. Access to transportation widens opportunity and is a significant equity issue in Metro Vancouver.
Dr. Jat Sandhu is the regional director of the public health surveillance unit at the Vancouver Coastal Health Authority. The Unit was established in 2007 to support regional public health practice in the areas of health assessment, disease surveillance, epidemiological investigations and knowledge exchange.
This lecture is in collaboration with the 2015 ITE QUAD Conference, May 1-2 at the Pan Pacific Hotel, Vancouver. See conference website for more information and additional public tours and workshops offered on April 30.
Thursday, April 30
7:30–9 pm
Room 1200, SFU Segal School of Business, 500 Granville Street
Free, but reservations are required Reserve.