Pattullo: A question for Andrew WilkinsonFrom the CBC: B.C. Liberal leader Andrew Wilkinson questioned why the provincial government couldn’t get federal funding for the Pattullo Bridge…
Mobility Pricing: What U.S. states are doingThe Sun editorial board continues its thoughtless, lazy attack on mobility pricing in one of those fatuous editorials that has no…
David Eby's speech – and Questions for the LiberalsPrice Tags: The Georgia Straight helpfully provided the full text of Attorney-General David Eby’s speech: “Housing and trans-national money laundering: an…
A New Relationship with Metro Mayors and Province~Transportation and the RegionGet a little bit of rain and everyone gets back to business in Vancouver where the The CBC reports on the…
Back to the Bridge and the "Rotting" Tunnel Vision You would hope that the Vancouver region could work on a cohesive vision of accessibility and affordability that includes…
Full Page Advertisement to "Get The Facts" on the New Massey BridgeThe game of “Whack a Mole” got a little more complex in Delta where the Corporation decided to take out…
Liberals Say Economy At Risk with Massey Tunnel RethinkMore hyperbole regarding the rethink of the Massey Bridge has emerged as reported in the Delta Optimist. The newly minted Delta…
PTERR – Price Tags Initiative to End the Referendum: ResponsesResponses to the Price Tags Initiative to End the Referendum (more here) in the order received: June 6, 2017…
Ending the Referendum Requirement – 2Bill Holmes added an important comment to the announcement post on the Price Tags Initiative to the End the Referendum…
A Price Tags Initiative: Ending the Referendum Requirement ENDING THE REFERENDUM REQUIREMENT IN METRO . The Mayors’ Council has released a “90-Day Action Plan for Metro Vancouver…
Are there 800,000 Empty Bedrooms in Metro Vancouver?Metro News and reporter Jen St. Denis reports on Toronto economist Paul Smetanin who has ascertained that if an elderly couple…
Provincial Government Versus Mayors Council-"Ethical Issues Chipped Away Credibility"Rob Shaw’s article today in the Vancouver Sun does not pull any punches-and finally there is some truth-telling in the…
Province Part Two: “Compromise” on “Co-Promise”-A View from an Informed Reader Price Tags is blessed with an educated base of very informed readers, who richly contribute to the comment section.…
Massey Bridge Quadruples in Interest Costs to $12 Billion Dollars – Leaked Gov't DocumentThis just in from Business in Vancouver and Nelson Bennett, reporter. Documents leaked to and by the NDP Party show…
Dec. 19, 2022Vancouver’s “Dinosaurs Against Fossil Fuels” (DAFFS) Way Ahead of Their TimeSandy James Planner