"The Daily Miracle" and the Decline of the New York SubwayStephen Wilkinson sends along “this snazzy little piece on the NYC subway” from the New York Times. For a documentary…
Don't Give Up on Mass Transit~Driverless Cars Equal Driverless Traffic JamsThe Economist offers an interesting look at traffic congestion and solutions in the North American context. While on this continent traffic…
Precedent for Vancouver? NYC Congestion ChargingFrom the New York Times: The plan … would create a congestion zone stretching from 60th Street south to the…
The Friday File~ Veronica Moss, Auto LobbyistFrom StreetsBlog comes this cameo from Saturday Night Live actress Kate McKinnon depicting Auto Lobbyist Veronica Moss. As StreetsBlog observes:…
When Cities Say No to Fossil Fuel InvestmentImagine if a city like New York City decided to get rid of five billion US dollars of fossil fuel…
Now is the time for congestion chargingFrom the NY Times: The average vehicle speed in Midtown today is just 4.7 miles an hour. That’s 28 percent…
New York City installing 1,500 Bollards to protect PedestriansNew York City will be installing 1,500 bollards on city streets as reported by the New York Times. While these bollards have…
Job Jar~Gehl Institute Seeks Interns in New York CityJan Gehl is one of the founding voices about designing cities around people, and creating safe comfortable cities from the…
Colourful Stairway to Health In NYCWe all know them-those anonymous grey stairs that are just about everywhere. At the north side of Vancouver City Hall.…
Rebooting NYC's "Boulevard of Death"With thanks to Stan Hohnholz~From New York City comes this transformational story about Queens Boulevard, a street where an appalling…
New York City Releases Flood Resiliency Guidelines for City ParksWith increasingly large rain events and Hurricane Sandy, New York City has responded to climate change and threats to river…
New York as it might have beenThis could have replaced Grand Central Station: From the New York Times: As pressure to use the air rights above…
Noises Off at Brooklyn Bridge ParkSandy James Images Via NYC Parks Commissioner Mitchell Silver is this Fast Company article on the Secret Life of Parks. Diana Budd…
Tenants Under Siege: Inside New York City’s Housing CrisisMichael Greenberg’s lengthy article in the New York Review of Books is available (maybe just briefly) without the paywall. A…
Dec. 19, 2022Vancouver’s “Dinosaurs Against Fossil Fuels” (DAFFS) Way Ahead of Their TimeSandy James Planner