Dept. of Clarification: Assessing the OppositionFrances Bula wrote a follow-up piece on the contentious council meetings over the Point Grey corridor: Vancouver’s bike lanes: Gordon…
"Relax Vancouver drivers, you can handle another bike lane"Before I got a chance to post any comments on the Council decision to approve the Point Grey-Cornwall Corridor Plan…
Point Grey Road: Seaside Completion, or ….Assuming that City Council hears the last of the delegations tonight (July 29) on the Cornwall-Point Grey Road proposal (after…
Point Grey Road: (1) Seaside Completion, or (2) Maintain MotordomI’ve noticed that those who wish to see through traffic stay on Point Grey Road (or at least not transferred…
Surrey plans ahead: Cycling infrastructure in the suburbsThis is the way to do it: In BC’s fastest growing city, Surrey planners are looking to increase the cycling…
Point Grey Road: Remarks I would have madeI was scheduled as speaker 25 on the Point Grey Road bikeway proposal, but can’t appear before Council as a…
Point Grey Road: "Mind the Gap"A clever, and I think persuasive, video on the hazards of cycling on Point Grey Road – the gap in…
Point Grey Road: The Unexpected Pete McMartinWell, a column that George Puil didn’t expect when he invited Sun Columnist Pete McMartin over to talk about the…
$300 Million Views: Why Point Grey Road needn't be a road for the richRichard Campbell makes the case: Today, by my quick estimate, the parks lining Point Grey Road would cost around $300…
Once More Into the Bicycle Fray: Point Grey Road – 4, The Campbell AnalysisRichard Campbell weighs in on the Point Grey Road debate with his anaylsis of the alternatives, making the case that the…
Once More Into the Bicycle Fray: Point Grey Road – 3, The City ConversationWanna talk about? Come to the next City Conversation: The Point Grey – Cornwall controversy: Who is this road for?…
Once More Into the Bicycle Fray: Point Grey Road – 2, The PetitionsSeveral of you have been wondering about that petition in support of change on Point Grey Road. Currently there are…
A Radical Old Idea: the Burrard and Cornwall IntersectionThe City has come out with proposals for the Point Grey Road/Cornwall Corridor – notably the concept for a separated…
Dec. 19, 2022Vancouver’s “Dinosaurs Against Fossil Fuels” (DAFFS) Way Ahead of Their TimeSandy James Planner