February 22, 2019

The Progressive Push for More Options, with CNV’s Linda Buchanan & Tony Valente

She’s the new Mayor of the City of North Vancouver, a former councillor and school trustee with a life of public service in her community. He’s a first-time Council member, who’s devoted countless hours in recent years to advocacy for better cycling policies and more public spaces.

And while they didn’t run on a ticket — few candidates for public office in Metro Vancouver do — Linda Buchanan and Tony Valente are singing from the same song sheet.

Among other ambitions, they want to invite more density to the 6th-densest municipality in Canada. They support car sharing and the new e-bike share program coming to the North Shore, in a city where 30% of residents already don’t own a car. And, seemingly in contrast to many of their political counterparts in the districts of North Vancouver and West Vancouver, they embrace the recommendations of INSTPP, the North Shore Transportation Planning Project led by TransLink and multiple levels of government.

Buchanan and Valente brought the Price Talks team to CNV library recently, a 10-year-old facility just a few steps from City Hall, boasting a new recording studio. They spoke with Gord at length about their adjustments to their new roles, their early priorities, and the opportunities to bring new housing, transportation and employment options to residents in their beautiful, diverse and growing city.

The Progressive Push for More Options, with CNV's Linda Buchanan & Tony Valente

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  1. Hi Gordon, my name’s Kat, and I’m responsible for running the Recording Station at North Vancouver City Library. We’re in the process of creating a new “Made at NVCL” webpage for our site to feature content that was created at the Library, and I’m wondering if we could feature a link to this podcast episode on the new page?

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