Bikes and Business – 4Yet another report on the benefits for business and real estate in the emerging ‘velo-city’: From the London Evening Standard:…
Commonwealth CoincidenceEven as Vancouver goes through some mild angst over making its core more pedestrian and cycling friendly, similar actions (and…
Bikes and Business – 3It will be built. The proposed Hornby Cycle Track has passed another critical test, now that yesterday’s open house at Pacific Centre…
New York Fit CityHow can we in Vancouver be having a debate about bike lanes and cycle tracks without talking about fitness and…
Take bus, live longer“Residents who live near public transportation live healthier, longer lives,” says this Planetizen item, referencing Todd Litman’s work, and thereby affirming…
Screen TimeSandy James passes along some disconcerting news for those of us who sit at screens. From the New York Times:…
Bixi GymFrom Dan Freeman: Just came back from a recent trip to Montreal, where I used Bixi almost exclusively to get…
Street party – German styleFrom the BBC: Germans have been throwing an enormous party on one of the busiest stretches of the country’s famous…
Volcano on Dunsmuir StreetMy latest Business in Vancouver column: Half a month after the new Dunsmuir cycle track opened, the reaction to the…
Again, More Portland: “Bikeability”You can determine the ‘walkability’ of your neighbourhood by using Walk Score – a website will give you a rating out of…
Active Transportation is good for you – and your city“6% productivity boost in active-travel cities could save millions” Well, duh. But it’s nice to have a number: New research…
Transport RevolutionWhat, asks transportation consultant Todd Litman, has been the biggest vehicular breakthrough of recent decades? This: Wheels on luggage. Rolling…
Walking the TalkThe US Department of Transportation is putting money where their good intentions are. Here’s a graphic that illustrates the budget…
Induced FitnessThe Canada Line is undersized. And maybe that’s a good thing. As this Buzzer pic of Canada-Line construction at City Centre…
Dec. 19, 2022Vancouver’s “Dinosaurs Against Fossil Fuels” (DAFFS) Way Ahead of Their TimeSandy James Planner