March 17, 2023

Viewpoint: end of an era

It’s been pretty quiet on the Viewpoint Vancouver front for a while. You may have noticed. A project that started as a blog around 2006 has come to … well, an indefinite pause. Viewpoint served us well for as long as it lasted, but writers, like ideas, will eventually look for new adventures and different ways of communicating.

You have supported this venture in independent journalism through the years with your written contributions and your feisty comments and even, some of you, with straight-up cash. To say we couldn’t have done this without you seems a cliché, but we could never have shouted into the void without knowing you were there to shout back and amplify our visions of future-thinking urbanism. Many thousands of readers and listeners have engaged with the site and shared their ideas, leaving a testament to Vancouver and the evolution of the livable, sustainable city. Together we have changed our region, and we will continue to do so.

Viewpoint (and its predecessor, Price Tags) will remain online as an invaluable archive. It’s easy to search for past content and you’ll always be able to revisit your favourite posts and podcasts.

We will certainly let you know when Gord and Sandy launch their new projects – rest assured, they are not retiring! In the meantime please feel free to reach out to us at or contact Gordon directly at or Sandy at You can also find Gord’s ongoing insights and observation on Instagram: @gordonpriceyvr.

We here at Viewpoint Vancouver remain eternally grateful for your dedication and support. We’ll be in touch. In the meantime, please get out and enjoy this magnificent place we are so lucky to share.


The Writers and Staff
at Viewpoint Vancouver

Image by Alex Agrico from Pixabay 

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  1. The blog gave me a lot to think about and I have learnt a great deal. Thank you all for your wonderful community contributions that made a difference in the collective thought processes. Bon Voyage-for now

  2. The only discussion room of its kind on the internet.
    Glad to hear that it will survive as a searchable archive,
    the future is going to need an explanation for the past.
    PriceTags: invaluable resource with a future! Thanks.

  3. Thank you so much Gord and Sandy for this platform, all your posts, the opportunity for many of us to post articles and producing a blog that encouraged us to ponder issues and explore the nuances and greys of urban living, policies and issues.

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