This will be my last post on Viewpoint Vancouver. I am going to be moving on completely from Viewpoint Vancouver and giving up the interim Publisher and Editor-in-Chief position  which I have held since November.  In the past seven years I have written more than 2,000 posts on this website.

Now it is time to  pursue some new initiatives. I will be continuing to follow the importance of placemaking and walkability on the Walk Metro Vancouver website, as well as writing more on my own site, Sandy James Planner here.

Thank you for your kindness and patience over many years of writing and learning. Stay well, think of initiatives at a regional level, and always remember: walkable environments support the most sustainable mode of travel. They create sociability, good mental and physical health, and they are  good for everyone’s bottom line.

Thank you for the privilege of communicating with you.

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  1. Hi Sandy: I’m sure that many people (including me)will miss your work on ViewPoint Vancouver. I look forward to following your work on your other sites.

  2. Oh no! That’s my first selfish reaction. But, I am sure that you have given as much thought to this career change as you have given to all the informative Viewpoints. Looking forward to your public voice in the new year. Cheers Sandy

  3. Hi Sandy. I’ve enjoyed your posts and have checked out many articles and webinars you have recommended over the years so I’m sad to see you go. All the best with your new initiatives.

  4. Thank you Sandy taking this role on. Your posts were very informative and I learned lots. I wish you all the best in your future endeavors.

  5. Sandy, I have loved your posts on all things, but especially pedestrian safety.
    I will miss you, but alas, cannot figure out how to sign up for your new ventures.
    Thank you for watching out for us poor walkers, the peasants of the transportation world.

  6. You have led me down many rabbit holes (that’s a good thing!). Will miss your posts but will follow you on Walk Metro and your site.

  7. Oh Sandy, say it ain’t so– for our sakes!

    For yours, bravo!

    As someone who has written analysis and opinion pieces like yours, I know how much work it takes to make them as effective and well-linked as yours always are.

    Thanks for putting so much energy into so many great causes over the years.

  8. Thanks so much for all your incredible contributions on PriceTags and Viewpoint Vancouver, Sandy!! I know your passionate work will continue on your blog and in many other aspects of your life! And Vancouver – and points far beyond – will benefit! 🙂

  9. Sandy, your important contributions in supporting sustainable communities on Viewpoint Vancouver will be missed. I’ll look forward to your continued efforts through some other venue. Best wishes,


  10. Thank you Sandy for all the information and perspectives you have shared with us. Have an excellent 2023…cheers 🙂

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