Have you ever wanted to create a gorgeous illustration to show your community what a street could become? What was once the province of professional consultants can now be done by anybody using new AI tools. Our November webinar is a unique workshop so that participants can learn how to use these tools to support local advocacy efforts.
Our presenter Zach Katz of Transform Your City, will conduct a step by step tutorial on how to create compelling street transformation graphics, and how you can join the Transform Your City platform to collaborate with other advocates.
Zach Katz
Creator of @betterstreetsai and founder of Transform Your City. Previously founded Framed Tweets and Real Dutch Bikes. Sat on the Pedestrian Advisory Committee in Portland, Oregon, and also founded Healthier Hawthorne and Portland Promenades there. Based in Brooklyn, NY.
The Disability Mobility Initiative recently completed its second and very successful Week Without Driving campaign to draw attention to the transportation needs of non-drivers. Participants in the campaign included state legislators, county commissioners, and even the head of the state DOT! Learn how to start this campaign in your own community.
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