Just a reminder about Viewpoint Vancouver’s Comment Policy.
Sure you may be enraged about things and wanting to rage against folks you feel personally responsible, and there are places on social media for you to do just that. This is not the place.
You are invited to correct or expand the articles: that does not mean you can demean the author of posts.
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- Comments should relate directly to the article or post to which it has been submitted. (That also means no cheap shots or being disrespectful of any guest author who has written. Or Viewpoint Vancouver writers either)
- Foul language is generally unacceptable, and will removed.
- Personal or ad hominem attacks, and disrespectful, discriminatory, hateful, exclusionary or otherwise offensive content directed at individuals or groups are forbidden; such comments will be removed. (In fact, we reserve the right to take out your whole comment)
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Thank you, we now return to normal programming.