West Coast Climate Action Network presents “Transportation in a Time of Climate Crisis” looking at Carsharing, Electric Vehicles, and Urban Freight. Using these means, combined with great transit; great walking, cycling and rolling; and complete communities, we can eliminate much of transportation’s climate impact, while reducing the amount of traffic on our streets and creating more space for people.
Date: Wednesday June 8, 2022
Time: 4:00 pm Pacific Time.
You can sign up for this talk by clicking this link.
Our guests are John Stonier, CEO Electric Advantage, Past President of VEVA; Patrick Nangle, CEO of Modo Carshare; Joel Gibb from Shift Delivery Cargo Bikes; and Guy Dauncey, Co-Chair of WE-CAN. Our MC is Iona Santos-Fresnoz, who works with the Immigrant Employment Council of BC, and is an Ambassador for MODO.
This webinar series is presented by the West Coast Climate Action Network. www.westcoastclimateaction.ca