February 28, 2022

Second Annual Fit Cities Fit Towns Conference: Online March 2-3

2nd Annual Fit Cities Fit Towns Canada Conference (Virtual)

Wednesday, March 2 & Thursday, March 3, 2022

Registration is now open! 

You can register for this two day event by clicking this link.

Learn about the impact of community environments on health and wellbeing, and innovative strategies to improve our buildings, streets, neighbourhoods and their amenities for health. Presentations and discussions will enhance knowledge and skills for healthier planning, development, design, and construction in our towns and cities provincially and nationally.

The Conference will feature remarks from:

Mayors and Councillors,
Alberta Health Services,
University of Alberta,
and Other Invited Guests.

Day 1:

Keynote Speaker – Community Planning Strategies to Improve Housing Affordability and Healthy Housing for All
Day 2:

Keynote Panel 1 – Improving Housing and Neighbourhoods for Health and Affordability in Smaller and Suburban Communities
Keynote Panel 2 – Improving Indigenous Housing for Health and Affordability on Reserves and in Urban Communities
Networking Opportunities with participants from different fields including planning, architecture, development, health, academia, non-profit, private sector, government, and community.

Professional Development Credits:

For professional development credits/continuing education credits such as for Planners, Public Health Inspectors, Architects, Physicians, Other Health Professionals, etc. please check with your respective associations/accrediting bodies about counting Conference attendance as Self-Directed or Unstructured Learning Hours.
Additional information on Housing for Health can be found here: https://www.ualberta.ca/department-of-medicine/divisions/preventive-medicine/housing-for-health/index.html

Should you have additional inquiries please contact us at hforh@ualberta.ca



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