November 19, 2021

Friday File: Shop & Go Covid Physical Distancing at Dunbar’s Celtic Treasure Chest

Every shop has a different way of ascertaining how many customers are in their premises before they have reached capacity as outlined by the health authority for covid-19 physical distancing.


But on Dunbar Street where the Celtic Treasure Chest is the Irish and British Grocery Purveyor, they have come up with a new system to let you know if you are good to enter inside: and it looks very much like the simplified pedestrian light seen in London for stop and go.


Being in business for nearly two decades, the owners say everyone loves the traffic system. And they are well stocked with  best sellers, Barry’s Tea Gold and Master Blend from Dublin Ireland. This  is very popular with local university students, and at this time very well stocked. To keep everyone on the go.

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