Good news in numbers.

From Burnaby Now, a poll and article by Mario Canseco:

Vancouverites of all age groups support separated bike lanes, including 65% of those aged 18 to 34, 63% of those aged 35 to 54 and 60% of those aged 55 and over. …

For years, some drivers have criticized the creation and maintenance of separated bike lanes. In this latest poll, 58% of Vancouverites who commute by car support the concept, with opposition reaching 35%. As expected, cycling infrastructure is more popular among those who go to school or work using public transit (77%) or their bicycles (75%). …

Yet oddly, there’s not commensurately large numbers for more separated lanes.  At least until we get them, and then they’re good:

There is also little movement when Vancouverites are asked to ponder what to do next. We continue to see two in five residents (41%, up one point since 2019) believing that the city currently has the right number of separated bike lanes. Conversely, 28% (down two points) consider that some of the lanes should be removed, while 22% (up one point) would like to add more.

In Stanley Park, not good news for the NPA:

When we asked the city’s residents about the Vancouver Park Board’s decision to approve a temporary bike lane on Park Drive in Stanley Park until the end of October 2021, the factions are also well defined. Almost three in five respondents (59%) consider this a “very good” or “good” idea, while 29% deem it “bad” or “very bad.”

Over at the Daily Hive, the only thing surprising about support for more SkyTrain is how large the number is.  It’s hard to get over 90 percent for sliced bread:


Over nine-in-10 residents in Metro Vancouver support continued investment in new public transit infrastructure, according to a new survey by the Greater Vancouver Board of Trade (GVBOT), conducted by Mustel Group. …

This may also explain solid support for cycling:

Nearly a third (29%) said they are getting around by active transportation more often, and the same proportion (29%) indicated their transportation patterns have not changed.

Interesting results when people are asked about the impact of the pandemic, now and in the near future:

The survey also gauged how transportation habits have changed during the pandemic. Half (49%) of respondents said they are using public transit less often, 12% are reporting a decline in car travel and/or ownership, 6% are using ride-hailing services less frequently, and 9% are using carsharing services less often.

Currently, only 11% believe most of their mobility changes will likely be permanent, while 39% state some changes will likely be permanent. Nearly half (46%) said they will likely go back to pre-pandemic travel modes.

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  1. Interesting that this piece appears in the Opinion Section of this paper and the North Shore News. It’s a factual summary of a poll.

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