Metro Vaincouver is updating Metro 2040:, the regional growth strategy. This update, referred to as Metro 2050, will make it more effective and resilient to change. It will also do more to consider social equity and climate change in our communities, the impacts of growth policies, and how to better protect the places we care about.
Dialogues will provide an overview of Metro 2050 and focus discussion on different elements of the strategy at each location, while maintaining a full regional perspective.
Wednesday, February 12 – Planning for healthy, complete communities and greenspaces.
Pinnacle Hotel at the Pier, 138 Victory Ship Way, North Vancouver
Time: Noon –2:00p.m. (lunch served 11:30a.m. – noon)
Thursday, February 20 – Planning for affordable housing in transit corridors
Segal Building, SFU, 500 Granville Street, Vancouver
7:30 – 9:00a.m. (continental breakfast available at 7:00a.m.)
Tuesday, February 25 – Planning to integrate growth, land use and transportation
Surrey City Hall, 13450 104 Ave, Surrey
Noon–2:00p.m. (lunch served 11:30a.m. – noon)
Thursday February 27 – Planning for employment growth and transportation
Executive Plaza Hotel Metro Vancouver, 405 North Rd, Coquitlam
Noon–2:00p.m. (lunch served 11:30a.m. – noon)