While the focus on cycling infrastructure is, as it should be, on expanding the network (#ungapthemap) or on the latest controversy, continual progress is being made on existing routes, typically in conjunction with new development – like here:
This small stretch of the Central Valley Greenway is adjacent to 339 East 1st Avenue on the False Creek Flats, where there is a proposal for a four-building complex, including a small hotel.
There’s another project near completion at the east end of this stretch on the Emily Carr campus, to provide cyclists and greenway users (more electric scooters noticeable now) with a necessary fuel: coffee.
And at the west end: beer.
So Mount Pleasant: bikes, beer, art and industry.
You’re right about the bikeway, but that’s actually not the four building project. Your illustration is a 7-storey office building to be built by Triovest, designed by Michael Green Architects. It will have 144,000 sq. ft. of office space on 7 floors with mass timber construction and a terracotta skin. [https://changingcitybook.wordpress.com/2019/01/22/339-east-1st-avenue/].
The four building project is alongside at 399 E 1st. [https://changingcitybook.wordpress.com/2017/02/19/399-east-1st-avenue/] So far there doesn’t seem to be a move by the developers, Onni, to move the project forward.