May 17, 2017

Boring Headline of the Month

One-time winner of the contest to find the world’s most boring headline was:  “Worthy Canadian Initiative“.  But just how boring was the story, and what story do headlines really tell?
As a contrast in content, let alone journalistic integrity, consider these two headlines and the stories below them. The first covers a complicated story, and deals with the issues in a broad manner.  The second employs cobwebbed rile-em-up tabloid tactics to satisfy some business model that the world is rapidly passing by on its way to somewhere else.
First we have Martha Perkins in the Vancouver Courier writing under the headline:  “Interests Merge in 10th Avenue ‘Hospital District’ Plan“.

Vancouver Coastal Health, the British Columbia Cancer Agency and accessibility advocates are all heartily endorsing Vancouver city staff’s proposed new street plan
“It’s a great compromise considering all the stakeholders and the traffic of all modes,” said Stan Leyenhorst of Barrier-free B.C. “The city recognizes we’re trying something innovative”. We’re building an environment so, regardless of ability, you have access, including the senior who has cancer using a walker who is slightly sight impaired and can’t hear well.
“It’s terrific,” agrees Bruce Gilmore, also of Barrier-free B.C. By switching the conversation away from bike lanes, the strategy switched to problems that already exist for all users of the busy corridor. “I’m very excited that pedestrians have been heavily factored in, i.e. the vulnerable patient.”

Second, by way of contrast, Global News on May 16.  Keeping the world safe, and preserving all asphalt, for motordom:  “Separated Bike Lanes Could Replace Metered Parking In Vancouver’s Health Corridor Along 10th Avenue“.
Yup, good old bike lanes vs. parking.  Cars vs. bikes.  Real people vs them stinkin’ people on bikes.   Yup: “Yet another controversial bike lane”. The video clip features an exasperated car driver who complains about parking and completely bone-headed decisions. The clip ends by bashing bike riders with a gratuitous context-free crack about riding bikes on the sidewalk.
Pedestrians and patients get little if any attention.

Parking in front of key medical agencies like the BC Cancer Agency, the Blusson Spinal Cord Centre and the Vancouver General Hospital (VGH) could get a whole lot tighter.
On Tuesday, Vancouver City Council will be presented a proposal to remove meter parking spaces from 10th Avenue, in favour of separated bike lanes between Oak and Cambie streets.

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  1. They’re getting closer, Ken. The Global piece included support from Vision and NPA, including praise from Ball for staff’s consideration of all users.
    Keep pressing!

  2. Does anyone (HUB? CoV?) have any data on the percentage of cyclists along 10th– or all over the city/region for that matter– who are seniors (like me) and whose safety is also worth protecting?

    1. My sentiments exactly. I guess there are at least 2. It seems that even otherwise reasonable commenters on this blog don’t seem to care about our safety when we go to medical appointments in the hospital precinct.

      1. I don’t think I’d put it quite like that, Arno. The seniors (of which I am one too, but still able-bodied) with mobility and advanced age health issues are the ones I think of. My mother spent 12 years in a wheelchair and required a mechanical lift and assistance by two caregivers to get out of bed every morning. Riding a bike to a doctor’s appointment wouldn’t have been possible, and the suggestion would have either made her laugh or scowl.
        Taking the HandiDart was another story. Luckily, most of the clinics in the VGH precinct have adequate parking (at horrendous rates!) and access to the entry, at least the newer buildings.

    2. Post
  3. I’m not surprised. For some media outlets, people working together with a common goal and carefully considering all the concerns and addressing them is boring and therefore not their type of “news”. That won’t sell papers or give them website clicks. Instead, they reframe it and pick on a minority, accuse them of elitism. Throw in a dose of “This threatens you!” and away they go.

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