May 5, 2016

Jane’s Walk: After the Viaducts – May 7, 8



ReConnecting Vancouver: After the Viaducts


Led By Michael Alexander

May 7, 2016, 1:00 PM, 1 Hour

May 8, 2016, 11:00 AM, 1 Hour

The Viaducts are coming down. Learn what could replace them— including your ideas for new neighbourhoods and parks!
The viaducts disrupted and divided important historic neighbourhoods in our City, including Hogan’s Alley, which served as a hub for Vancouver’s black community until the viaducts. Scarred by the viaduct structures, the area today is a mix of highway-adjacent parks and pathways, with a new bicycle-friendly corridor along Union Street. It is a well-positioned and exciting area of the city, with rare opportunities for neighbourhood-building, affordable housing, and safe streets.
We’ll visit the area and see how it’s used today by local residents — including lower-income and homeless Vancouverites — local businesses, and regional commuters. Looking ahead to the replacement of the viaducts, we’ll explore how to reconnect the adjacent communities and repair the urban fabric ruptured in the highway-building frenzy of the 1960s and 70s.
Walk Start: Across from the Downtown Skate Park on Quebec Street.  We’ll be standing across the street from the Vancouver Skate Park.

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  1. This sounds like a great event. For those of us who can’t go, a follow up post (photos, notes, thoughts) from any PT readers who attend would be appreciated.

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