October 21, 2014

Vancouver CycleChic: "Observing the Elements"

Another visually elegant essay on people who cycle in their lives: “Dave’s passion for travelling and photography is reflected in his landscape design business. ”



From Chris Bruntlett:

The ninth of our #‎CycleChicFilms represents a slight departure for our team. Inspired by the short film “Portrait of a Runner,” we spent a significant amount of time scouting, scripting, and storyboarding every second, in stark contrast to our usual “run-and-gun” style. Filming locations include the Homer Street Cafe and Bar in Yaletown, a rooftop patio on Granville Street, and the stunning Iona Beach Regional Park on Sea Island in Richmond.
The star – Dave Wodchis – is an old friend, and a complete natural on-screen. I’m glad we had a chance to demonstrate how his passion for travelling and photography is reflected in his landscape design business. All in all, I’m pretty proud of this little film, and I hope you like it too.

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