April 30, 2014

Warning 3 – Another tourist backlash in hipster neighbourhoods

From The Protocity:

Even though it is hard to define this urban phantom, we can argue that the hipster is connected to particular neighborhoods in cities. Think of Williamsburg and Bushwick in New York, Shoreditch and Hackney in London or phaenomen-hipster1Kreuzberg and Friedrichshain in Berlin. All these neighborhoods were transformed at least partly by the influx of hipsters who came for cheap rents into these more or less derelict neighborhoods. More and more cafés, bars, restaurants, galleries, and vintage shops are popping up boosting the neighborhood, you know the story. Neighborhoods get hip because its shops, nightlife, and cultural activities are attracting more and more of the urban phantom – the stereoptype everybody knows but no one wants to be part of. …

All these ‘hipster’- neighborhoods seem to have a charm that not only attracts hipsters, but tourists as well. Many of these neighborhoods have bars, cafés, clubs or shops that are unique or try to be unique and attract tourists besides residents. Kreuzberg or Williamsburg are both destinations mentioned in travel guides as places to see or to visit, thus transforming the ‘hipster’ and his habitat into sights to see like a baroque castle or a monument. A lifestyle becomes an attraction.

berlin-touristen-fisten-470x4601Tourism more and more seems to become a spectacle, and to experience the hipster in its habitat is apparently part of that. Berlin’s bus tours (for instance the ‘Wall & Lifestyle Tour‘) through the streets of Friedrichshain provoke counter- actions by the local residents, fighting the ‘easyjet- jetset’, by taking pictures of the tourists and putting up stickers and posters in the area. Residents are afraid of being priced out of the neighborhood, if more and more hipsters and tourists are coming to frequent the hip bars, shops or clubs. Keeping the character of the neighborhood is one of the main goals, making this initiative yet another slightly conservative NIMBY- action.

Full article and videos here.

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