The Daily Durning: "Back and forth on CACs" with Karen SawatskyNot just for policy wonks. Community Amenity Contributions (CACs) have been a contentious issue on civic-election platforms. Karen Sawatsky provides…
Disconnect: Oddest headline of the weekToday’s lead headline in The Sun: . . So it’s all about the money, is it? Confirming critics belief that…
Ralph Segal: How to save character homesThis comment is in response to a post on Barbara Yaffe’s column about a drop in property values as a…
Ray Spaxman: Responses to "The Telus Case"Ray Spaxman received 25 responses to his email and PT post on “The Telus Case.” . Two comments resonated with…
Choose One: Millennials can/can't afford housing in VancouverA case of twinning articles, both published yesterday, with contradictory observations. First up, Patrick Condon in The Tyee: . Young Prospects?…
Let's play the TransLink No-Win GameFrom Business in Vancouver: “Developers step up to pay for transit stations“ The economic benefits of being linked to rapid transit…
Ray Spaxman: "The Telus Case"I overlooked one major issue in my previous note that will prevent some of the potentially best informed people from…
Vancouver's Land-price disconnectAnother factor in affordability, from Business in Vancouver: “Buildable” costs expose disconnect in condo market Startling multi-family land prices are…
The City and CP: Insights from AuerbachHerb Auerbach is a long-time real-estate consultant in Vancouver. In the following letter to Mayor Robertson, he provides lots of insight…
City Conversations: A Tax for Housing and Transportation – Sep 18 Linked: A Housing Speculation Tax and Transportation Funding The two hot issues in the Lower Mainland are the…
The Beautiful Empty Homes of VancouverWhile Ireland may have ghost estates (below), Vancouver has its “beautiful empty homes.” Vancity Buzz reported on a web site of that title here.…
Lecture and Panel: Vancouver in the 21st Century – Sep 24. ANDY YAN: VANCOUVER IN THE 21ST CENTURY . Wednesday, September 24, 2014, 7:00 PM Where: Djavad Mowafaghian Cinema, Goldcorp…
Future Present: The History, Problems and Possibilities of the Canada LineKenneth Chan, in Vancity Buzz, asks a question we’ve all wondered about when standing on a crowded platform in the…
Metro Info GogoFrom Metro Vancouver: An enhanced planning and economy data webpage. . More accessible information about the region: monthly and annual…
Dec. 19, 2022Vancouver’s “Dinosaurs Against Fossil Fuels” (DAFFS) Way Ahead of Their TimeSandy James Planner