How the Traditional Bikeway has Become ObsoleteI wrote about the transformation of the Rue de Rivoli in Paris here – a pandemic response that is now,…
Park Board Meeting on Mobility Feasibility Study Swerves into American Style PoliticsThe biggest show in town this week was at the Park Board office in Stanley Park where a few Park…
The Transformation of Rue de RivoliThe first in a series on contemporary urbanism in European cities. The Rue de Rivoli is one of the…
Why Won’t the NDP Government Give Municipalities the Authority for 30 km/h Areas?A few months ago, a major active transportation advocacy group in British Columbia asked me to review a response they…
Want Your Child to Learn in School? Get Rid of Traffic Noise. It’s Time to Expand “School Streets”It used to be that apartments and multi-family units were located near major roads for ease of transportation. It has…
Nathan Edelson on the Broadway Plan: “Vancouver Needs More False Creek Souths”On May 31, Council concluded the public hearing in the Broadway Corridor Plan and will be deliberating on the plan…
Broadway Plan Now Before Council, Rescinding Neighbourhood PlansThe Broadway Plan has plunked citizens into two camps: for the plan and against the plan. Sadly the size of…
Ken Cameron: How the Spadina Expressway Gave Vancouver SkyTrainKen Cameron, the now-retired strategic planner for the Greater Vancouver Regional District (now Metro), asked me recently whether I had…
Make Big Plans & Pay: TransLink’s $52 Million Ten Year Investment Plan Now ReleasedTransLink has now released its ten year “investment” plan on what key investments will be made in Metro Vancouver as…
Winner: Best Bus Stop in America, 2022It’s in Portland, Maine: Portland, Maine has been crowned the winner of our America’s Best Bus Stops contest for 2022 ……
Kudos to Pete Fry: Preserving bike parkingBravo to Cllr Pete Fry for helping to preserve thousands of practical bike parking spaces. From The Sun: In a…
Patio Program & Pop-Up Plazas Continue, But How do Vancouver’s Pandemic Slow Streets Fold In?During the pandemic the City of Vancouver did some initiatives in a fairly nimble fashion. The City allowed restaurants who…
Back to the Massey Crossing, Where Provincial Minority Liberals Still Want A BridgeThe provincial Liberals have elected a new leader Kevin Falcon, who in February wasted no time in announcing that the…
Victoria’s Government Street Redesign: No Public Washrooms, But Milano Coffee Shop Saves the DayVictoria British Columbia is a tourist town and has a lot of businesses on Government Street. So it made sense…
Dec. 19, 2022Vancouver’s “Dinosaurs Against Fossil Fuels” (DAFFS) Way Ahead of Their TimeSandy James Planner