Daily Scot – Edgy in GastownBold new elevation for the SPACES co-working office in the laneway behind 151 West Hastings Street. Nice contrast against the…
Daily Scot – Waterfront Cities of the WorldIf you haven’t already been enjoying the television programming on BC’s public funded Knowledge Network, I have a reason for…
Daily Scot – Seattle Congestion PricingI came across this live traffic report on KIRO 7 Seattle the other morning. What stuck out besides the brutal…
Daily Scot – Cambie Bridge Bike LaneCTV News Vancouver had a feature last night on the City of Vancouver’s proposal to test a separated bike lane…
Daily Scot – Urban Agriculture – Part 2Yesterday I profiled a bountiful urban garden on the rooftop of Quebec City’s Hôtel du Vieux and asked the question:…
Daily Scot – Urban Agriculture – Part 1With the seemly relentless attack on the Agricultural Land Reserve from Mega Malls, Port development, speculators and farmland banking from…
Daily Scot – Westside InfillContinuing on the small scale infill theme (see previous posts in the series here and here) we travel to the…
Daily Scot – Eastside InfillI came across these interesting small scale infill projects while walking to a friends house in East Van a few…
Daily Scot – That Supply IssueZoning, the missing middle and lack of supply are frequent topics in discussions regarding the housing crisis in the City…
Daily Scot – Night Ridin'Caught a glimpse firsthand of the massive Bike the Night event on Saturday the 16th from my vantage point on…
Daily Scot – Small Scale InfillEven with sky-high land costs in the City of Vancouver not all developers are relying on multiple lot assembly in…
Daily Scot – Poppin' up on PineIf you have a chance stop by the pop up park at the corner of West 5th Ave and Pine…
Daily Scot – Poppin' up on FraserAnother new Parklet emerges in front of the recently opened Eastwood Bar and Grill and Pizza Carano on Fraser Street. …
Dec. 19, 2022Vancouver’s “Dinosaurs Against Fossil Fuels” (DAFFS) Way Ahead of Their TimeSandy James Planner