Delbrook Lands – Small Piece of a Big PictureUpon completion of the new $50-million Delbrook Recreation Centre in North Vancouver (map here), the existing 40-year-old centre will be…
Rust-Belt Renaissance – 2From the Daily Scot: . Continuing on with our look at beaten-down post-industrial cities on the rebound, Buffalo, New York…
Rust-Belt RenaissanceFrom the Daily Scot: . I’ve been keeping my eye on the long-neglected and forgotten rust-belt cities of the U.S.…
'Guest' on retail and an evolving environment (with a short historic note)As PT editor, I’m bringing forward this comment in case readers miss this analysis from frequent commenter Guest on the…
Ray Spaxman: Moles, Mountains and Monuments A great anecdote told by a first-hand observer – Ray Spaxman when he was Director of Planning – about…
High thoughts about low design?Forwarded to me by James Bligh … “I saw this commercial at a movie theatre the other night and almost…
The Origami Tower – Part II Kenneth Chan writes in VanCity Buzz about the newly revised tower being proposed for 555 W Cordova. To me,…
Jericho Lands UpdatePublic consultations on this project have been pushed back from Fall 2015 to Spring 2016. This is according to Deana…
What densification looks like in the Ballard urban village – 2Next to South Lake Union and possibly Capitol/First Hill, there’s no more happening neighbourhood than Ballard – and people take…
What densification looks like in the Ballard urban villageAnother quote from the Seattle Weekly feature: … the 1994 Comprehensive Plan … insulated single-family neighborhoods, which cover most of the…
The Battle for Seattle: Densinista vs DisplacementA fascinating analysis of the housing and development challenges in Seattle by Casey Jaywork – with a lot of backstory…
The Daily Durning: Can a city stop growth?I wonder if Vancouverites would like an initiative like this? From CityLab: . Then this from the Wonkblog at the…
Tsawwassen Mills and the End of the Region as They Knew ItI’ve said this several times, but perhaps it’s too uncomfortable to register. First Nations peoples may speak of their stewardship…
MacArthurGlen: Over expectations. Business in Vancouver reports on the success of the outdoor mall near YVR: McArthurGlen Group’s outlet mall near…
Dec. 19, 2022Vancouver’s “Dinosaurs Against Fossil Fuels” (DAFFS) Way Ahead of Their TimeSandy James Planner