Burnabyism – 2It’s great to see some thoughtful responses to what is now the first post on the idea of Burnabyism: how…
Burnaby Builds A City – 4The conversion of Brentwood into a municipal town centre is really about the conversion of car-dependent development from post-war suburbia into…
Burnaby Builds A City – 3From William Whyte to Jan Gehl, there have been many attempts to find the formula for great public spaces. And…
Burnaby Builds A City – 2You’ve seen this before: It’s a 1975 sketch of “Cities in a Sea of Green” – the phrase that captured…
Burnaby Builds A City – 1Burnaby at Brentwood has gone full urban. This is the Lougheed Highway at Willingdon – one the signature crossroads of…
The Grand Bargain in BurnabyThis aerial over Burnaby was taken last Thursday, flying out of YVR. From Collingwood Village to Royal Oak, from Gilmore…
Recent Developments 10 – A Half Century of HighrisesFollowing the election of a majority TEAM council in 1972, the residential highrise era came to a (temporary) end in…
The biggest single project in Burnaby history?I asked below whether Brentwood Town Centre was the largest single project ever seen in Burnaby. Should have checked my…
Change in MetroChange and development along the rapid-transit lines as part of “Skywalking through Burnaby” on Sunday: A big hole at the Brentwood…
SFU City Program at the Burnaby Festival of Learning – May 1SKYWALKING THROUGH BURNABY: A Tour of Town Centres on Rail Sunday, May 1, 2016 1:30 pm to 5:00 pm Bob…
NIMBY Rage: Not just for towers any more. Townhouses too.809 West 23rd Avenue The last PT Guest Editor wrote about comparing Burnaby’s density to Vancouver’s in Who Does Density Better?. …
The disturbing loss of lower-income rental stock in BurnabyThis is astonishing, and not in a good way: . . From Business in Vancouver: A wave of land speculators…
The Daily Scot: New in BurnabyScot discovers something new: Fun and colourful swivel chairs with table newly installed on a streetscape in Burnaby. Curious to…
New Metro- Metro- MetrotownEverything in this pic is either new, under construction or part of a redevelopment, including (left to right) Station Square, Metrotown…
Dec. 19, 2022Vancouver’s “Dinosaurs Against Fossil Fuels” (DAFFS) Way Ahead of Their TimeSandy James Planner