Mark Sakai on Building For a Warming Future, the Grand Bargain, and Housing AffordabilityPriceTalks Mark Sakai on Building For a Warming Future, the Grand Bargain, and Housing Affordability Play Episode Pause Episode Mute/Unmute…
“Density is a Foregone Conclusion”: Charles Gauthier of the Downtown Vancouver BIAPriceTalks "Density is a Foregone Conclusion": Charles Gauthier of the Downtown Vancouver BIA Play Episode Pause Episode Mute/Unmute Episode Rewind…
Gordon Price & Tom DavidoffPriceTalks Gordon Price & Tom Davidoff Play Episode Pause Episode Mute/Unmute Episode Rewind 10 Seconds 1x Fast Forward 30 seconds…
Vancouver’s Mayoral Race — Ian Campbell SpeaksVision Vancouver’s mayoral candidate Ian Campbell has published an op-ed in the Georgia Straight. In it, he starts to disclose…
Vancouver’s Tenancy Market Jumps the SharkContributor Ian Robertson writes to suggest that Vancouver’s rental market has, just maybe, jumped the shark. A “den” just wide enough…
Real Estate Marketing 101: Trivision on the Arbutus CorridorAlso called Tri-Face, Three Message Sign, Prismavision, or Prismatic displays, this Trivision billboard sign rotates 120 degrees to show three different advertisements.…
0.2%Mageddon in Vancouver and the Fourth EstateThe well-connected and prolific Gary Mason wonders in the Globe and Mail just why in heaven we are paying any…
The New York Times Documents Vancouver’s Housing “Frenzy”Trust the New York Times to call it like it is. As the newspaper astutely observed this past weekend: Last year,…
Not Getting a Whole Lotta LoveSimple optics tells us plenty about status of folks upset over the new proposed levy on high-value homes in British…
The Density and Affordability DebateThe headline says it all. And the rest of the article, by Adam Belz of Minnesota’s StarTribune, is worth the…
Ask a Planner: What would you re-do, and would it have made a difference?What good questions. Bethany Lindsay of CBC asked it of three of our past planners: We prepared a precis of…
Geller Lecture: Housing Metro Vancouver – May 10Public lecture and webcast Looking back, Looking forward: Reflections on Housing Metro Vancouver While Metro Vancouver has changed dramatically over…
Seattle: The single-family zoning lock-upAnother backgrounder on the housing dilemma from the Seattle Times. And just so you know, it’s estimated that 80 percent…
Condo Presale Shell Game Just About Over in Metro VancouverFrom the “it was too good to be true” department, investigative reporter Kathy Tomlinson peels the speculative skin off the local…
Dec. 19, 2022Vancouver’s “Dinosaurs Against Fossil Fuels” (DAFFS) Way Ahead of Their TimeSandy James Planner