Not your father's suburbs
SkyTrain opened in 1985. Twenty-one years later, the suburbs along the line have come of…

The Density Game
In municipal politics, “density” is a code word. For some, it’s synonymous with urban decay,…

Nice planet – but not a priority
Today’s New York Times: From 2002 until this year, NASA’s mission statement, prominently featured in…

Weekend Rumour
The escalating costs of construction – a world-wide phenomenon – may be taking down a…

Brent Toderian new Vancouver planner
It’s official (by way of Calgary): Brent Toderian is the new City of Vancouver planner.…

The Full Curmungeon
Vancouver Sun columnist Pete McMartin is in full curmungeon today: “Little Mother just wants you…

Couldn’t say this better …. Translink Report: Commuters will abandon transit and take cars 19…

Bad Strategy
Today on Andrew Sullivan‘s blog: The real danger is a newly emboldened Islamist region with…

Accumulating Evidence
More evidence from Stats Canada that we’re getting what we say we want. “B.C. Residents…

Dancing and Fighting
A perfect day, really: sunny but not too hot. The beaches and bikeways are packed,…