Saying Goodbye to a Public Space Champion-the Great Alan Slater DuncanThere are some posts that you never want to write and this sadly is one of them. One of the…
A viewing observatory that competes with the viewHere’s a preview of SUMMIT One Vanderbilt, an immersive observatory experience in Midtown Manhattan’s newest skyscraper. From a review from…
Biennale Viewpoint Vancouver Walk & RideFrom the Vancouver Biennale: Welcome to the VIEWPOINT VANCOUVER RIDE. This self-guided tour was curated by Gordon Price of Viewpoint…
Motorways to Waterways: The Utrecht MoatThe Utrecht City Moat is the Cheonggyecheong* of Europe – the demolition of an underused motorway for an historically significant…
University of British Columbia Tribute to Cornelia Oberlander at Chan Theatre Cornelia Hahn Oberlander (1921-2021), LMBCSLA, FCSLA, FASLA, CC, was an extraordinary landscape architect and ardent environmentalist who led by…
Metro Vancouver’s Rain Returns: Welcome to PetrichorIf you live in Metro Vancouver you know this scent, but you may not know its scientific name. Yesterday Jeffrey…
Why Virtual is not Enough: Craving the Contact & Connectivity of Public SpacesPandemic times have amplified something that is already a challenge in cities: Loneliness. The Pandemic has shown the need for…
Appreciating G’VilleIn the next few years, the City will be constructing the Granville Bridge Connector – a safe and seamless route…
BurnabyismHere’s a fun way for an urbanist to spend an afternoon: choose a destination somewhere out in the region along…
Assorted DehorsCity of North Van Councillor Tony Valente, over a pasta dinner on Beach in the streeterie nearest the spinning chandelier,…
Melbourning VancouverDaily Scot is always on the lookout for signs that Vancouver is adopting great ideas from Melbourne on how to…
The MAM: London’s Latest Public Space FollyIt’s always important to underpromise and overdeliver in public space projects, and the latest example with the Marble Arch Mound…
Stanley Park: That Temporary Bike Lane Finally Arriving on Park DriveAfter what seems like one of the longest waits in the planet in a world that is still slowly stepping…
Vancouver’s 1905 Flashback: Automobile Drivers & Stanley Park, Is History Repeating?Stanley Park and its access by automobiles have historically been a point of contention, and that goes back over a…
Dec. 19, 2022Vancouver’s “Dinosaurs Against Fossil Fuels” (DAFFS) Way Ahead of Their TimeSandy James Planner