Trains, Buses, People: An Atlas of U.S. and Canadian Transit presented by SmartGrowth Network and the Maryland Department of Planning
Thursday, November 18 2021
Time: 10:00 a.m. Pacific Time
You can register by clicking this link.
Christof Spieler, PE, AICP, LEED AP, has examined more than 50 metropolitan areas in the United States and Canada with rail or bus rapid transit to explore why the systems were built, how well they are working, and what makes transit successful.
Join us November 18 as Spieler shares his findings and outlines the evolving conversation about fare policies, wayfinding, transit governance structures, customer experience, and the future of transit, and what he has learned from his work.
The Smart Growth Information Clearinghouse is a project of the Smart Growth Network and is partially funded by the U.S. EPA, Office of Community Revitalization, and managed by the Maryland Department of Planning