February 15, 2021

The Greatest Change in the “Changing City”

Who doesn’t like a good aerial to start the week – this one from the go-to website of “Changing City” for literal perspective on Vancouver.

This is the part of Downtown Vancouver that has seen the greatest change (from 1982 to 2020).

While Granville Street has been zoned (up to now) to restrict building heights, to allow the sidewalks to stay naturally lit and brighter, almost everything to the east in Downtown South has been allowed to go higher – although there are viewcones that cross the area restricting the height (and therefore density) of some buildings.

There are also guidelines to limit shadowing of parks – which now exist, although from this distance they’re hidden by a sea of mostly residential towers. Yaletown – the original three street warehouse district of 1900s buildings also has height limits, and can be seen on the right.


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