August 18, 2006

Viewpoint: Stephen Rees's Garden

Disclosure: This is an idea taken directly from Andrew Sullivan’s blog, who asked his readers to send him pictures of what they see outside their windows.  And the results are intriguing: windows into people’s lives as well as their circumstances. 
Here’s a view from window of Stephen Rees, a Richmond, B.C. reader who also puts out his own blog:


The early morning view out of the window next to my computer.
We converted this central bed to a vegetable garden last year, and this year we are overwhelmed with zucchini (go away for a weekend and they become giant marrows). We also have lots of herbs, mange tout peas, french beans, green pepper, aubergines, lettuce, leeks and tomatoes – not bad for a single raised bed 7′ x 4′ and a few pots on the patio.

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